Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Show Rules and Codes of Conduct

N.B. The Rules of individual Shows will always take precedence over these Rules and Codes.

The following Rules and Codes govern the showing of dairy cattle at cattle shows or exhibitions.

The purpose of these Rules and Codes is to ensure the fair presentation of animals at shows or exhibitions and that no unfair advantage is obtained by any exhibitor of an animal by improper means and to protect the health and welfare of animals presented at shows and exhibitions.

The Rules and Codes seek to maintain high standards of showmanship of animals with the aim of the promotion of dairy cattle and the interests of the ACS and its membership as a whole.

The Rules and Codes include certain general principles, and the Rules and Codes are to be applied in accordance with their spirit to achieve their underlying purpose.

These Rules and Codes shall apply to all animals being shown or exhibited in classes for animals registered with the Ayrshire Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland (ACS).

These Rules and Codes may be varied, extended or replaced from time to time by decision of the Rules & Disciplinary Committee of the ACS, and all such amendments or replacements shall be published by notice in the Society Journal, on www.ayrshirescs. org or otherwise by general notice to the members.

Should a judge believe that an animal presented before him/her is being shown in contravention of these Rules and Codes, he/she shall refer the matter to the Class Steward on the day who will then proceed according to the relevant Show Society’s Rules. Whether or not the case is proven, the judge shall file a report to the Ayrshire Cattle Society, via the President.

Please use the link below to download the full rules and codes of conduct for shows and exhibitions.
