Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Derbyshire & Staffordshire Ayrshire Club Stockjudging.

30th September 2021

A Beautiful day saw the Derbyshire & Staffordshire Ayrshire clubs, have their annual Stockjudging at Bigginvale Ayrshires owned by Robert Adams and Family.

Two extremely good classes of heifers and cows were on show, which made the judging very enjoyable for all attending.

The Master judge for the day was Brian Moorhouse of Moorside Ayrshires and he had the hard task of sorting the classes out.

The Winning Juniors were  1.Arran Davidson 2.Tom Corbridge 3.Angus Redfern

Ladies Winners were  1.Kelly Bryan 2.Sue Timbrell & Nicola Davidson

Men's were 1.Alan Timbrell  2.Asher Seddon & Peter Berresford

Outstanding group of heifers
Outstanding group of heifers
Some of the Members tucking into the lunch time feast
Some of the Members tucking into the lunch time feast
The three wise men
The three wise men