Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

2021 AGM elections

6th August 2021

At the 2021 AGM the following elections took place. 

President - Mr Steve Bailey, Upper Lightwood Green Farm, Audlem, Crewe, Cheshire, CW3 0EN

President Elect - Mr Andrew Broadley, Brundcliffe Farm, Hartington, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 0BA

Junior President Elect - Mr John Watson, High Mark Farm, Leswalt, Stranraer, Wigtownshire, DG9 0RU 

Past President - Mr Michael Howie - Morwick, Acklington, Morpeth, Northumbria, NE65 9DG

Incoming President Steve Bailey will stay in office until 31st December 2022 and Andrew Broadley's term will be from 1st January 2023 until the AGM in May 2024. Thank You to Michael Howie for his extended period being President and we all welcome John Watson to the team.