Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Summer journal

10th June 2021

Dear Member, I hope that you and your families are doing well as we ease out of lockdown and let’s hope it stays this way so we can all start enjoying events we have missed.


For summer the Society will be producing a full journal to replace the newsletter.  I am looking for member adverts to be included.  Advertising rates are very competitive and come with a full design service. Please contact me if you would like to discuss placing an advert.



With the risk of travel and so many events being cancelled many of us are organising holidays in the UK.  There are so many wonderful places in the UK and lots of you have accommodation facilities and / or have expanded into various diversification projects on your farm.  If you would like to advertise projects that are attractive to tourists or offer Society member rates on accommodation, then why not advertise this in the journal so like minded people can visit your part of the country for their staycation. 


Please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries and I will hopefully see some of you in the coming months.

Kind Regards,

Claire Kimm, General Manager