Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Membership Update

13th May 2020

The Presidents Committee have been in regular communication to discuss the current situation we find ourselves in and the impact it is having.  Hopefully you and your families are keeping healthy and safe.  We would like to inform you of the following decisions that have been made:-

2020 Ayrshire Cattle Society Conference
Unfortunately we have taken the difficult decision to not go ahead with this year’s conference as planned.   All visits and activities that have been planned will now be deferred to 9th - 12th May 2021.

President Committee
The current committee will remain in place for a further 12 months until the AGM on Monday 10th May 2021.
Michael Howie - President
Steve Bailey - President Elect
Andrew Broadley - Junior President Elect
Keith Davidson - Past President

The current council will remain in place until the 2020 AGM.  Subject to government guidelines the current and new council will be invited to the usual council meeting that takes place in October / November in Garstang.  Notice will be given of this meeting as soon as guidance allows.

2020 AGM
Subject to government guidelines we are planning for the AGM to take place in Garstang at the same time as the council meeting.  All members will be given notice of the date in accordance with the Society constitution.

Summer Journal
There will be no summer journal published.  To replace the journal we will be holding regular interesting features on the website and Facebook.  If anyone has any suitable ideas please contact Claire to discuss.

If anyone would like to discuss any of the above or have any queries please contact Claire at the office on 01292 471292.