Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Changes to Registration Certificates

9th January 2020

Last year the EU bought in new legislation (EU Regulations 2016/1012 and 2017/717) regarding the standards for animal registration.  This also included the roll-out of a consistent format for registration certificates and export documents, to create clearer understanding.  The new legislation not only impacts on cattle, but also pig, sheep and goats, equines and their germinal products. 

To allow Ayrshire Cattle Society to remain a recognised breed society, we have had to adhere to these new legislations.  It is also not only countries within the EU that have had to adapt to the changes in legislation, but also all countries which wish to trade their animals or germinal products with the EU.  ACS have been working closely with the NBDC to fully understand the impact of the changes. We have also been working with DEFRA to ensure everything has been adhered to, whilst also making them aware of the challenges this provides. 

The main changes you will notice will be:

  • New double-sided certificate, one side landscape the other portrait
  • A consistent layout and numbering system for the portrait side of certificates for animals in and coming into the EU
  • Removal of classification stamps on certificates
  • Removal of sales and transfer section on the reverse along with on-farm identification

With all this in mind NBDC has alerted the Society that there will be a price rise to registrations of £1.20, but the Council have decided to phase this rise in over the next three years with 40p to be added every year. This will start on the 1st of January 2020.