Introducing the new Society President for 2019/2020
17th May 2019
At the 2019 AGM in Dumfries the new President of the Ayrshire Cattle Society took office. Michael Howie is from Northumberland and farms 220 cows with 200 followers across 950 acres under the Morwick prefix. Michael farms with his wife Angie who runs the ice cream side of the business and son Peter who is a partner at Morwick. Michael and Angie have two other sons, Will, an accounts manager at a fruit farm and Ben who is at Glasgow University studying Chemistry and helps with the ice cream business when at home. We extend a warm welcome to Michael in the position of President and wish him a successful year ahead.
Steve Bailey, Beeline is the new President Elect and we welcome Andrew Broadley, Whitecroft on to the Presidents committee as the new Junior President Elect.