Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

All Britain and Ireland Photographic competition results - Class 7 - 5 Year olds

26th February 2019

The 5 year old class was class 7 of the All Britain and Ireland photographic competition. Here are the results and again we thank our sponsors, Cattle Services Ayr Ltd. Congratulations to the winners.


Winner - Ardmore Janet 110 (De La Plaine Prime) Owned by J & M Hunter

Runner Up - Halmyre Urr Louise 283 (Palmyra Tri Star Burdette) Owned by L Davidson & Son

2nd Runner Up - Bruchag Burdette Miss Ella (Palmyra Tri Star Burdette) Owned by M Bryson

Winner - Ardmore Janet 110
Winner - Ardmore Janet 110
Runner Up - Halmyre Urr Louise 283
Runner Up - Halmyre Urr Louise 283
2nd Runner Up - Bruchag Burdette Miss Ella
2nd Runner Up - Bruchag Burdette Miss Ella
Our thanks to our sponsors Cattle Services Ayr Ltd
Our thanks to our sponsors Cattle Services Ayr Ltd