Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

All Britain and Ireland Photographic Competition results - Class 2 12 - 18 months of age

14th February 2019

Today we publish the results of class 2 of the All Britain and Ireland Photographic Competition. 12 - 18 months of age. Congratulations to the winners.

Winner - Holmeswood High Bella (Calderglen Highland Hero) Owned by A Rimmer

Runner Up - Halmyre Urr Floralin 218 (Halmyre Urr Lieutenant) Owned by L Davidson and Son

2nd Runner Up - Denmans Prime Belle (De La Plaine Prime) Owned by H M Sayer and Son

Our thanks to our sponsors Cattle Services Ayr Ltd. http://www.ayrshirescs.org/ayrshires-cattle-services/

Winner - Holmeswood High Bella
Winner - Holmeswood High Bella
Runner Up - Halmyre Urr Floralin 218
Runner Up - Halmyre Urr Floralin 218
2nd Runner Up - Denmans Prime Belle
2nd Runner Up - Denmans Prime Belle
Our thanks to our sponsors Cattle Services Ayr Ltd
Our thanks to our sponsors Cattle Services Ayr Ltd