Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Ayrshire Breed Open Day 26th April 2018

6th April 2018

Preparations are well under way for the Ayrshire Breed Open Day on Thursday 26th April at Blannicombe Farm, Honiton, Devon, EX14 9TS at 10.30am. 

Blannicombe Farm is the home of the Mark Evans and East Church Organic Ayrshires. Twenty years ago Mark Evans sold the family farm at Hittisleigh, Devon, and took on the tenancy of 243ha (600-acre) Blannicombe Farm just outside Honiton in East Devon on the Combe Estate.

In 2001, following two years of conversion with Milk Link, Mark Evans established a 250-cow organic herd, with 220 followers, producing 1.3m litres a year. Alongside the Duchy Home Farm at Highgrove these two herds supply Waitrose with all its organic Ayrshire milk.

Last year East Church Ayrshires won both the South West Ayrshire and Devon Herd competitions. This is the 70th anniversary of his family establishing the herd. At the time of the move, in order to increase herd size, cows were bought in from the Bigginvale herd in Derbyshire as well as herds in the south west. 

The day will include a presentation on our breed society and member benefits, breeding options, heifer rearing, nutrition, herd health and BVD control. There will be an opportunity to view the East Church herd and as a special inclusion of the day, a small selection of some of the East Church best families will be available to purchase.

A big thank you to our main sponsors - UK Sires, Boehringer Ingleheim and Mole Valley Farmers.

Please register now for your free lunch to society@ayrshirescsorg