Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Winners Of The Amateur Section Of The 2016 Photographic Awards Are Announced

13th April 2017

The top three in the 2016 All Britain & Ireland Photographic Awards (Amateur Section) have just been announced.
Champion: Willowfields Winnie 2 VG88 / Sire West Mossgiel Modern Reality / Owner L&H Batty
Reserve: Dudley Wood Judith 111 VG86 / Sire Acton Farm Scotsman / Owner L&H Batty
Hon. Mention: Rosehill Real Prickly Magenta EX92 / Sire Palmrya Tri-Star Reality / Owner WRC & JE Christophers

Willowfields Winnie 2
Willowfields Winnie 2
Dudley Wood Judith 111
Dudley Wood Judith 111
Rosehill Real Prickly Magenta
Rosehill Real Prickly Magenta