Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Winners Of The Junior Cow in-Milk Section Of The 2016 Photographic Awards Are Announced

17th March 2017

The top three in the 2016 All Britain & Ireland Photographic Awards (Junior Cow in-Milk Section) have just been announced.
Champion: Bruchag Talent Evelyn VG 88 / Sire: West Mossgiel Class Talent / Owner: M/s Lawrie & McAlister
Reserve: Beeline Swiss Florence VG 88 / Sire: Brieryside Lucky Swiss  / Owner: S N Bailey & Partners
Hon. Mention: Cuthill Towers Rambo Rusty VG 87 / Sire: Cuthill Towers Rambo / Owner: C Keenan 

Bruchag Talent Evelyn VG 88
Bruchag Talent Evelyn VG 88
Beeline Swiss Florence VG 88
Beeline Swiss Florence VG 88
Cuthill Towers Rambo Rusty VG 87
Cuthill Towers Rambo Rusty VG 87