Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Winners Of The Senior Cow In-Milk Section Of The 2015 Photographic Awards Announced

13th April 2016

The top three in the 2015 All Britain & Ireland Photographic Awards (Senior Cow in-Milk Section) have just been announced.
Champion: Cuthill Towers Miss Blondie 2 EX 94 (2) / Sire: Cuthill Towers White Knight / Owner: A & S Lawrie
Reserve: Hunnington Fragy 12 EX 95 (4) / Sire: Hunnington BBK Easlad / Owner: C & L Window
Hon. Mention: Halmyre Urr Mayflower 240 EX 95 (2) / Sire: Halmyre Urr Pinsent / Owner: L Davidson & Sons

Cuthill Towers Miss Blondie 2 EX 94 (2)
Cuthill Towers Miss Blondie 2 EX 94 (2)
Hunnington Fragy 12 EX 95 (4)
Hunnington Fragy 12 EX 95 (4)
Halmyre Urr Mayflower 240 EX 95 (2)
Halmyre Urr Mayflower 240 EX 95 (2)