Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

South West Scotland Dairy Show 2023

Show Date: 25th October 2023

South West Scotland Dairy Show success for new exhibitors

South West Scotland Dairy Show attracted a full ringside of spectators to see a great display of 62 dairy cattle from regular and new exhibitors, as well as 22 young handlers, judged by Euan Lawrie, from Grangehall Holsteins, Lanark.

With numbers up and a packed ringside, the show, which is supported by 33 sponsors, was a huge success.

Standing reserve champion was Jack Baynes leading Marleycote Sea Lily 36, an August 2022-born daughter of the McCornick Nelson son, Changue Meikle Lad. Backed by six generations of Very Good or Excellent dams, she also has two sisters classified Very Good, and is also a sister to Royal Flush Sea King who is sold through Cattle Services (Ayr). She has always been placed in the top two spots throughout the show season and sells as part of a choice at the Borderway Black & White Sale in December. The Baynes’ trip from Hexham continued to be a successful one when they secured the Ayrshire Championship with Morwick Peggy 111 who is owned in partnership with Stuart Mullan. The 5th lactation cow is classified Excellent 93, having calved in September she is producing almost 60 litres a day. Bred from three generations of Excellent dams, she stood champion Red and White heifer at AgriScot for breeder Michael Howie.

Taking Reserve spot was Halmyre Urr Louise 376 VG87 (2yr) from Keith Davidson. This daughter of the Kamouraska Rockstar son, Halmyre Urr Rockstar, is only five weeks fresh in her second lactation. As a heifer in milk she was Interbreed Heifer Champion at the Royal Highland Show and Reserve Champion at the Great Yorkshire Show.

Ayrshire Heifer in Milk

1, Culroy Rocky Amey 2, W A McDowall
2, Culroy Kintyre Amey, W A McDowall
3, Non-Pedigree, R C Gemmell
4, Crofthead Renoir, W P Callander

Ayrshire Cow in Milk
1, Morwick Peggy 111, G G Baynes
2, EB & BU, Halmyre Urr Louise 376, Keith Davidson
3, Fineview Rocky Teenie, Allan C Clark
4, Non-Pedigree, RC Gemmell
5, Halmyre Urr Mayflower 302, Keith Davidson
6, Crofthead Yellow, W P Callander

Ayrshire Champion: Morwick Peggy 111, G G Baynes
Reserve Ayrshire Champion: Halmyre Urr Louise 376, Keith Davidson

Exhibitor Bred Ayrshire Champion: Halmyre Urr Louise 376, Keith Davidson