Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Ayr Show 2024

Show Date: 11th May 2024

Breed Champion...  Morwick Peggy 126th  ( Pam Ayres Hawaian) G G Baynes

Reserve Champion....Knowe Renoir Bertha (Kam Renoir) Andrew Struthers

Reserve Interbreed Champion.. Morwick Peggy 126

Junior Champion ..Harperfield Irene 61st..(Sands of Time) D M Lindsay

Reserve Junior....Glenmuir Amarula Lintie (Amarula)...Andrew Struthers

Winning Interbreed Progeny...Harperfield Sands of Time...D M Lindsay


Cow in Calf

1st...Mid Ascog Patricia 3rd (Bruchag Starman)...D M Lindsay
2nd  Kittochside Nora Louise ( Grandage bright spark) National Museum

Maiden Heifer

1st Glenmuir Amarula Lintie...(Amarula).....Andrew Struthers
2nd Kittochside Rubys Monopoly..(Moat House Monopoly) National Museum.
3rd  Brieryside Raoul Sarah....(Raoul).....Andrew Sempey

Heifer in Milk

Harperfield Irene 61st ...( Sands of Time)...D M Lindsay

Junior cow in Milk (2 Calves)

1st Morwick Peggy 126th  (Pam Ayres Hawaian) ...G G Baynes
2nd Knowe Renoir Bertha (Kam Renoir).....Andrew Struthers
3rd Brocklehill Skyfall Bronwyn (Troutbeck Skyfall)...J & K Rennie

Senior Cow

1st Marleycote Georgette 12th..(Sandersons Bounty)...G G Baynes
2nd Middle Elaine MH...(Middle Hero )....D M Lindsay

Veteran Production class

1st Harperfield Queen Elizabeth 2nd..(Sands of Time) ...D M Lindsay
2nd Kittochside Nora Louise (Grandage bright spark)....National Museum


1st ..Harperfield...D M Lindsay
2nd  Marleycote....G G Baynes

Group of Three

1st   Harperfield...D M Lindsay

Morwick Peggy 126
Morwick Peggy 126
Harperfield Irene 61
Harperfield Irene 61