Staff member Lesley Hoggitt retires.
29th April 2021
Wednesday 28th April saw the end of a long term of employment for Society staff member Lesley. Lesley joined the Society in 1973 aged 17, then in 1984 Lesley left the Society to have her first child Ross, in 1987 her second child Laura was born then completing her family in 1991 youngest son Grant arrived. After having her family Lesley returned to the Society in 1993.
As she retires in 2021 she will be in her 40th year of employment having completed a total of 39 years service with the Ayrshire Cattle Society. We are truly grateful for the commitment and support Lesley has given to various staff and Presidents committees over the years and wish her a healthy and restful retirement.
Lesley will be enjoying spending time with her grandchildren Matthew, Thomas and Sophie and adding to her retirement plans is puppy Ruby who she collects in June and will be sure to keep her busy.
A fond farewell Lesley from everyone at The Ayrshire Cattle Society and Cattle Services (AYR) Ltd.